The comprehensive structural plan, based on foresight, horizon scanning, and with in depth analysing of future science and technologies, in the field of health, has been formed in Pficell of Canada's research and development institute.
Recently, Pficell Institute has changed as a world-class reputable company and has applied its strategic direction to health promotion and quality of life, and has put all of its efforts to reduce the pain and suffering of the human society.
To be a leader in advancing cell and gene therapy research, achieving globally recognized performance and results in therapeutic applications.
Conduct rigorous research to diagnose and select patients based on standardized principles, develop high-quality research products that meet international regulatory standards, deliver targeted therapies tailored to each patient's unique conditions, and ensure active follow-up and responsive actions based on evolving patient needs.
Commitment to community, Quality Of Life, Environment, Cost minimization health care technologies.
Highest level group for Technical Development and Guideline adoption, and auditorial body.
Policy making and strategic Decision Making group.
Cell Development and manufacturing and Clinical implementation.
International business development, Partnership, Licensing, Franchising and so on.
Executive management, Financial management, and Granting.
Supply chain management.
Information management, ERP and CRM management.
Strategic Financial planning. Investment, Financial partnership, Granting Management, and so on.
Budgeting and programming and executive implementation of strategies.